TELAGA SMSK PUTERI 50 LOCATION: BAKA, DATU ODIN SINSUAT, MAGUINDANAO, PHILIPPINES DATE COMPLETED: SEPTEMBER 2023 DONORS: 1. HJ SUJAN HJ SEBI 2. HJH RAHANA HJ ZAKARIA 3. ABDULLAH ZUBAIR HJ SUJAN 4. SUHAIB HJ SUJAN 5. MUHAMMAD FATHI HJ SUJAN 6. SAIDATUNNISA' HJ SUJAN 7. AUNI HJ SUJAN 8. ' IZZAT HJ SUJAN 9. HJH SHAERAH ISHAK 10. HJH MAIMON HJ ABDULLAH "The students of Mahad Al-Islami Al-Hashimie of Baka, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao, are extremely thankful for their newly renovated toilets donated by ACT Malaysia. The 2-door toilets are equipped with water system coming from a well (TELAGA SMSK PUTERI 50) around 60 meters away and drawn to the Mahad via electric pump. Mahad Hashimie has 118 students. We can recall that the students were also provided with new blackboards a few weeks ago. May Allah reward our donors and supporters. You can contribute to ACT Malaysia's Bantuan Prasarana Sanitari project for orphanages and schools to help repair and impro...